Thursday, January 28, 2010
Should I Get a Christian Tattoo
Should I Get a Tattoo (Even If My Parents Don’t Like It)? "Dear Dr. Moore, I want to get a tattoo. I’d like it on my stomach, with a cross, with the words, “Flee Immorality: You Were Bought with a Price.” I’d like this as a measure of accountability for myself as the years go by, in case the zeal I have for the gospel ever wanes and I’m ever in a place of temptation this will be an ever-present reminder of what I know to be true..."
Erwin McManus's Casket
Erwin McManus Miracle Casket Commerical for the Super Bowl (Phil Johnson) "Back in August of '08, I wrote a post about the pretentiousness of Christians who try too hard to be artsy and manage to sully both art and the gospel in the process. (In retrospect, the tone of that post might sound a tad too cantankerous, even for me. But I completely stand by the point of it.) One of the targets of my criticism in that post was Erwin Raphael McManus, self-styled "futurist, author, speaker, activist, filmmaker and innovator who specializes in the field of..."
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Graphic Video of a Severe Injustice
This four-minute video is not pleasant, but it must be seen. Thousands of innocent unborn children are torn to pieces everyday in the U.S. because most people simply don't know what abortion actually does. This video is shocking because abortion is shocking. It is no more gruesome than the reality. With the exception of the final scene (a second-trimester fetus), all of the video you will see depicts children who were killed during first-trimester abortions.
Super Bowl Ad
Plans for Tebow Pro-life Super Bowl Ad "With his unconventional pass delivery and a physical style that seems just as comfortable running the ball anyway, some wonder if University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow will achieve NFL glory. But football fans just may get to see the story of the Heisman Trophy winner and unapologetic Christian impact the pro sport's biggest game of the year...."
Right to Life
Pro-life Pivot (World Magazine, Marvin Olasky) "Twenty years ago the pro-life movement was in bad shape. Frustration had grown as eight years of the Reagan administration had not led to Roe v. Wade's reversal or reduced the annual toll in dead children..."
Black Genocide (World Magazine, Lynn Vincent) "Alabama State University (ASU), a historically black college, is planted near the west side of the capital city of Montgomery, a birthplace of the civil-rights movement. The campus sits at the edge of a major housing project. Or as Tijuanna Adetunji puts it: "It's in the 'hood." That made it the perfect place for Adetunji, 38, who grew up in the Montgomery projects herself, to share her message on African-Americans and the true nature of abortion..."
Pro-Life Victories Chronicled "It is probably fair to say that no other single activity has defined the Knights of Columbus over the past half century as much as the pro-life movement. Following the shock of the Supreme Court’s decision to preempt all state and federal laws regulating abortion in Roe v. Wade in 1973, we launched a long-term battle to fight legalized abortion."
Black Genocide (World Magazine, Lynn Vincent) "Alabama State University (ASU), a historically black college, is planted near the west side of the capital city of Montgomery, a birthplace of the civil-rights movement. The campus sits at the edge of a major housing project. Or as Tijuanna Adetunji puts it: "It's in the 'hood." That made it the perfect place for Adetunji, 38, who grew up in the Montgomery projects herself, to share her message on African-Americans and the true nature of abortion..."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Social Gospel?
Social Gospel Redux? (Russell Moore) "He said he'd wished I'd preached on Judges. I was the guest preacher that day and this was one of those sluggish congregations where you feel as though you're looking into the eyes of department store mannequins. I'd just finished preaching a gospel sermon on the new birth from the third chapter of John. And the man approached me to say he'd love to hear me preach on Judges, because "that's what we really need..."
Scientology Test?
Scientology ‘Free Personality Test’ is newspaper insert (Baptist Press) "The Church of Scientology placed a "free personality test" -- Scientology's "Oxford Capacity Analysis" -- as a paid insert into The Tennessean newspaper Jan. 7 asking in a large typeface, "Are you curious about yourself?..."
Who are Evangelicals?
Who Exactly are the Evangelicals? (Michael Horton) "feels like a renewed storm, or at least a squall, has been gathering around the term "evangelical" lately. More and more self-described evangelicals are realizing that not everyone believes the same things, even about the core doctrines. In response, some have begun to write manifestos which attempt to re-articulate the characteristics of an evangelical identity. Others are authoring books and holding conferences which aim to re-center the movement as a whole. Still others have decided it's best to pitch the term altogether and call themselves "post-evangelicals."
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Technologies that will rock 2010
Technologies that will rock 2010 (TechCrunch) "Now that the aughts are behind us, we can start the new decade with a bang. So many new technologies are ready to make a big impact this year. Some of them will be brand new, but many have been gestating and are now ready to hatch. If there is any theme here it is the mobile Web. As I think through the top ten technologies that will rock 2010, more than half of them are mobile. But those technologies are tied to advances in the overall Web as well..."
New Year's Prayer
A New Year’s Prayer (adapted from Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions). "I understand that I am unable to do anything without your help, so I ask you to enable me by your grace to fulfill your will..."
2009 Newsworthy Events
Hindsight: The Most Newsworthy Events on 2009 (According to Al Mohler) "The year 2009 is still very close in the rear-view mirror, and what a year it was. The year was significant for any number of reasons, including the fact that it marked so many anniversaries. 2009 marked the fortieth anniversary of Woodstock and the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. A good many young Americans see both as ancient history. How will 2009 be remembered?"
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