Saturday, January 29, 2011

Q & A: Billy Graham on Aging, Regrets and Evangelicals (Christianity Today)

Even through he struggles with his hearing, sight, and other health issues in his ninth decade, Billy Graham continued to do what he's done with every American President since Harry Truman. Last year, he met and prayed with President Obama and in December, he met again with former President George W. Bush. But if he could go back and do anything over again, he told Christianity Today, he would have steered clear of politics. Since his wife's death nearly four years ago, he spends most of his time in his home in Montreat with around-the-clock care. Although he rarely appears in...

10 Foods That Can Help You Sleep (Womans'Day) Trying to get more shut-eye? Take a look at your diet. Eating the right foods in the hours before you hit the hay may help you fall asleep faster, say experts, and even improve the quality of your sleep. Keep reading for your get-sleepy grocery list, and remember to stop noshing two hours before bedtime to give your body enough time to properly digest...
The 10 Most Searched Bible Verses: What's Missing? (Collin Hansen) After watching many National Football League games growing up, I finally grew curious enough to walk into my parents’ office and pick up the family Bible. It seemed every football broadcast included shots of someone standing in the end zone, behind and between the goal posts, holding up a simple sign: JOHN 3:16. I knew enough about the Bible to locate the Book of John in the New Testament. When I read John 3:16, I wasn’t impressed. Turns out the verse was familiar, thanks to Sunday school. I guess I expected to read some sort of decoded message that would unlock a valuable secret. In some sense that’s exactly what I read, but I didn’t yet have the eyes of faith to behold the beauty of what God has done in Jesus Christ...

Unraveling the Mystery of Why We Give & Don’t (USA Today)
SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Generous impulses often are described in fundraising appeals, conversation and greeting cards as coming "from the heart." In fact, the origins of giving probably are deep in the brain's circuitry.  Exactly how the complicated workings of the brain stimulate or suppress giving and how families, co-workers and values affect generosity remain a mystery despite years of study. The University of Notre Dame is leading a new research initiative that will merge economic, sociological, neurological and psychological studies to explain why some people give and some don't and to create a new academic...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

URGENT RESPONSE NEEDED for Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

There are two new bills in committee (HB 1366 and SB 5274) that threaten to close down pregnancy centers in Washington State.
More information:
Protect Women in Washington
Family Policy Institute of Washington

Please pray for CareNet of Puget Sound 
What is the Message of the Bible in One Sentence? (Dane Ortlund) That's what I recently asked a handful of thoughtful scholars and pastors. Answers below.

Understand that I specifically asked these brothers to keep it to a single sentence (ahem . . . that's pushing it, Dr. Beale). There is inevitably much that is selectively omitted, so think twice before responding (or commenting) 'How could he not mention anything about ____?!' Little exercises like this are not a replacement of reading the Bible itself in all its contours or big books that trace out the Bible in detail, but a pointer to the Bible and to such books...

The World’s Most Popular Bible App for Smart Phones (YouVersion Bible App)

TULSA — The world's most popular Bible program for mobile phones was developed by an Oklahoma church.

FAITH & REASON: New translation stars in e-reader sales

Since its introduction in 2008, 12.5 million people have downloaded the YouVersion Bible application and have spent 4 billion minutes reading the Bible with it, the designers calculate.  In an 11-day period in late December, a million people downloaded the app, which is available on iPhone, Blackberry, Android and other mobile phone platforms. Every 2.8 seconds, a new user installs the program and 12 people run it....
Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault (Justin and Lindsey Holcomb) This is one of those books I wish Crossway didn’t have to publish. Which is different from saying that I wish Crossway didn’t publish it. I am, in fact, deeply grateful.  I’m referring to Justin and Lindsey Holcomb’s new book, Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault, due out this month....
Rising Above Roe v. Wade (Wall Street Journal)

Are babies better than abortions? That's not a question we are accustomed to hearing. For the most part, abortion—America's most divisive issue—plays out as a question of competing rights. So it will be this weekend as pro-life and pro-choice legions each mark the 38th anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion.....

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Chilling Almost Beyond Belief (Al Mohler)
Americans generally know that abortions happen, but the reality of abortion is kept out of sight and, for most, largely out of mind. To acknowledge that abortions do occur does not require any actual knowledge of the numbers of abortions performed and the scale of the catastrophe. News reports that emerged in recent days will make that evasion harder to justify.
The New York Times reported on January 6, 2011 that the abortion rate in New York City is about 40 percent of all pregnancies. That means that no less than four out of every ten pregnancies in that city are terminated by abortion....
The Pink Ribbon Campaign: Are We Funding Breast Cancer? (Chuck Colson)
You’ve seen them everywhere: pink ribbons and wristbands to raise awareness about breast-cancer prevention. But before you donate, find out where the money is going.
Susan G. Komen for the Cure, formerly known as the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, is a big promoter of the pink ribbon campaign. It raises money for breast cancer detection and research, and it awards grants to many worthwhile programs....
Gianna Jessen’s Abortion Survival Testimony (You Tube video)

This video of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen giving her testimony has suddenly made ripples in the blogging community and on facebook, despite having been around for over two years. Gianna not only speaks from her testimony of coming oh-so-close to becoming just another abortion, but she delivers her message with a winsomeness so often missing when pro-life advocates speak out....
The Unborn Paradox (NY Times Op-Ed)

The American entertainment industry has never been comfortable with the act of abortion. Film or television characters might consider the procedure, but even on the most libertine programs (a “Mad Men,” a “Sex and the City”), they’re more likely to have a change of heart than actually go through with it. Reality TV thrives on shocking scenes and subjects — extreme pregnancies and surgeries, suburban polygamists and the gay housewives of New York — but abortion remains a little too controversial, and a little bit too real.....

Friday, January 7, 2011

An MTV Abortion (Denny Burk)

Last week I saw a news story about the MTV program “16 and Pregnant,” which was set to air an episode featuring a young mother who chose to have an abortion. The mother’s name is Markai Durham, and she already had one child when she became pregnant a second time. She and the father decided that they didn’t have the resources to raise a second child, and that is why they chose to end the life growing inside her. The story of her first pregnancy and birth was the subject of an episode last November. The story of her decision to abort her second child aired last Tuesday...
12 Spiritual Tips for 2011 (Baptist Press)
DORA, Ala. (BP)--As the New Year rolls around, many folks will make New Year's resolutions to change or improve something in their lives. One of the topics that makes every Top Ten list is "get out of debt." But what about spiritual goals? With the Bible as our guide, here are 12 tips and corresponding scriptures to help you make 2011 your best year ever:....
Apple Rejects Christian App (Baptist Press)

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Apple has rejected an iPhone/iPad "app" that had been resubmitted by signers of the Manhattan Declaration, further frustrating Christian leaders who fear the controversy signals a growing societal intolerance of orthodox Christianity.
Conservative leaders are now calling the company's policy "appalling" and suggesting it reflects hostility toward Christian beliefs...
Video Story of Louie Zamperini (of Unbroken fame)

Louis Zamperini is one of America's greatest heroes. An Olympic runner and WWII POW, his life story is being written by Pulitzer Prize winning author, Laura Hillenbrand (author of "Seabiscuit") and the book "Unbroken", released in November, 2010....