Friday, February 18, 2011

Is Birth Control Okay?

The short answer is a qualified yes as long as the motivation is right. We know God promotes and approves of the conception and raising of children as one of the purposes of marriage (Gen. 1:22, Titus 2:3-5, I Tim. 5:14). Psalm 127:3-5 tells us that children are rewarding gifts from God and a blessing to the family. Raising a God-honoring family will influence the world around us for good and God’s glory.
The only apparent issue with God is having the wrong motivation as illustrated by Onan’s selfishness in not wanting to perpetuate Tamar’s family and inheritance (Genesis 38). Other than this, there isn’t anything in Scripture, either by precept or principle that prohibits married couples from practicing birth control for legitimate and unselfish purposes such as wanting to be spiritually or financially prepared and responsible. However, to those who desire no children only to perpetuate their own self-driven agendas, this violates one of God’s purposes (perpetuation of a godly generation) and intention for the family.

Another issue to be considered is the type of birth control. Abortion, widely used as birth control is premeditated murder (cf. Exodus 21:22, where the killing of an unborn fetus is punishable by death) and therefore unacceptable. Psalm 139:13-16 clearly indicates pre-born life is human life and any form of birth control that destroys the pre-born child and/or the fertilized ovum rather than preventing conception is not within God’s will.
Methods of birth control, like the pill, condoms, and the common surgical procedures of tubal ligation or vasectomy, do not pose a problem biblically unless they are abortaficient (destroy life after conception), so we must be careful and wise in use of any artificial methods. If both spouses are persuaded in their consciences before God that they should have no more children (Rom. 14:23) and they are not violating any other principles of Scripture, then they are free to make that decision.
One more thing…the Scripture often speaks of the “barren womb” that God sovereignly governs. In the end, no matter what we do, God can rule and overrule our choices for His divine purposes.

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