Sunday, May 27, 2012

First and Foremost Citizens of Heaven

Many American hymnals include a section for patriotic songs like "God Bless America" and "My Country Tis of Thee." I remember learning and singing these songs in elementary school music classes, taught by my grandma. She and my grandpa were Christian patriots who loved their God and the country where he'd placed them. My grandpa served in the Marine Corps during World War II and always showed honor and respect for our national leaders and military servants.

But I saw a heavenly gaze in his eyes as he drew near to leaving this world. I saw this same longing in my grandma's eyes as she approached her final breath. Although they were patriots here, they knew that this country, this world, was not their home. Their citizenship was in heaven, and they looked forward to arriving in the place Christ had prepared for them.

Like many others, the church of my grandparents often sung patriotic hymns and integrated civic themes and symbols into their Christian worshiping life. This is only appropriate insofar as the liturgy does not distract from the reality that our ultimate loyalty should be to God alone.


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